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Empowering and Improving Homeless Young People's access to specialist therapeutic services to enable them to live more independent, happier and fulfilling lives.

Open Book Counselling has been invited to design and set up a counselling and well-being service which is co-created through service user and staff involvement. 

Open Book Counselling is also providing a consultation service to support in the implementation of a new Psychologically Informed Environment (PIE) Framework and Trauma Informed Care (TIC) which includes staff training and mentoring. 

Our collaborative aims are to meet the emotional and mental health needs of young people experiencing homelessness; with the overall aim to support homeless young people to gain the skills they feel they need to live more independent, fulfilling and sustainable lives.

Park Lodge Project residents include looked after children, unaccompanied young asylum seekers, care leavers, young parents and self referrals from the homeless young persons themselves.

The young people who use the services often have very chaotic life styles and derive from incredibly unstable and dysfunctional backgrounds; often arriving with a multitude of support needs ranging from drug and alcohol use, offending behaviour and poor mental and emotional health.

Open Book Counselling receives referrals either from the young person them self or with permission via their support worker or social services.

The therapies offered to the young person are confidential and underpinned with an ethical framework practice.

The types of therapies offered include face to face individual counselling, group therapy, or workshops based on psych-educational themes that the young people themselves have identified they would like knowledge on. 

If you are committed to having a professional counselling and  well-being service for your own organisation.

Or you would like support to embed a Psychologically Informed Environment (PIE) and Trauma Informed Care (TIC)into your organisational practice framework

Get in contact with us to discuss how we can tailor a specific and bespoke service to meet the needs of your service users.

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